Friday, January 23, 2009

Back in the blogging game... starting with the Zoo.

I've been doing absolute SQUAT lately. So I figure, why not BLOG?
Only thing is, when I have time to blog, I have absolute SQUAT to blog about! how gay is that?!

ANYWAY. So my mom and I took the nephew to the Zoo on monday. Not a particularly awesome day, but a good one, simply for the company. I don't get to see my nephew as much as I'd like to, but aunty Gladys was rad enough to relinquish her day with him so I could have a go at spending the day with the Kid.

Not too many pictures, very few actually. Probably because majority of the time, the Kid was on my shoulders. Its hard to shoot and have a 22lbs bag of energy on your head at the same time, y'know?
So here it goes. Photos.

So when Mom rolls up in her purply-gray Acura, I see the little noggin bobbing around in the back seat. I'm greeted with a hearty, "HIII!" when I pull the door open. I'm also greeted with this....

When we get to the Zoo, as always, parking is ASS. And even moreso on this day because it was MLK day, and theres a parade. GREEAATTT.. so we walk like a mile to get there. which is whatever cause Kid's in a stroller. Kinda hard to push a stroller with a 20lbs kid in it through loose gravel, but I manage.

I set the 40D to Monochrome. Get some black n white shots in. just for kicks.
Everything looks more meaningful in black n white.

We're walking through the Savannah, and I notice that theres a LOT of peacocks at the zoo.
I stumble (almost literally) on this sleeping one...

Which I happen to get too close to and wake up.. he didn't look at all pleased. I HAD to get close tho. have you ever noticed the tiny feathers on top of their heads? they're GORGEOUS. I'd totally want feathers on my head if they made me sexy like that! ahaha!

Then it was off to the Petting Zoo... Where Mom grabs the camera and tells me to wait.. ok. so I pause, and smile.
Little did I know, that MOM thinks shes a photographer too. :)
Tell me this little face isn't one of the most lovable asian faces ever.. and for ONCE I'm not talking about mine!

Mom and Talon decide they want to crawl into the fishtank with the big Koi in it...

After the petting zoo, we all got a little ADD, so we took off.
I notice that a lot of the time, if I spend an extended amount of time with this kid, my week feels good. Its happier.
:) I love this kid.
I can't wait for him to get to play with baby ******-***. :) We'll go on dates.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! He is a little cutey. ;) ****** *** and that little guy will def have a blast together!!!!
